Star Map Project (Could you make another Star Map Viz ? )

I wonder if we can do something fun and new with Tableau.

Do you like a star watching ?

One day I met a attractive data set for star map here...
I have never known that a star map has also latitude and longitude like a ground map we usually use for Viz.  Then I tried to put this data to Tableau Map. Thanks to good and clean data, it was very smooth work.

I think this is really interesting and new way to use a Map. I'd like to share this viz and data set here to everyone who likes Tableau.  (94KB)
Viz File 
(twbx) is available here (Tableau public)

※0227 Added  Uploaded twb and screenshot to show how to connect and join .

Could you make another Star Map Viz ? 

I think this viz is still very plane and there is much room to change and improve. If you had a good idea, would you mind refining this viz ? Off course you can make completely new one from scratch.
It would be great if we could see various star maps in Twitter and Tableau public !!

How to Join

1. Publish your viz to Tableau Public.
2. Share on Twitter. Tweet a link and an image of your viz, mention @SimplVizBest_YK and use the hashtags #starmaptableau

That's all !!

This isn't contest, I just wanna spread many star maps all over the screen.

There is no difficult rule as long as it is star map.

After a while (about one month later) ,I'm gonna recap this project.
I'd appreciate if you shared this post and joined.

Thanks !
